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Alfredo Moacyr de M. Uchoa signing his book Far Beyond Space and Time

English Originals

Click on the links below to see interviews with General Uchoa, lectures, and other works on YouTube

General Alfredo M. Uchôa's interest in UFOs began with a video of 14 UFOs over Washington DC (video shown by the USA at the Brazilian Army War College (Escola Superior de Guerra - ESG) in 1960.

See here the original videos of the time that report the events that marked the beginning of General Alfredo M. Uchôa's interest in UFOs:     

Saucers Swarm over Capital - 1952 - The Cedar Rapids Gazette.JPG

Did Aliens Invade Washington DC In 1952? | Dark History. History Channel [YouTube]. Oct. 27, 2018.

Click below to listen to a 1979 interview in English, that took place at the General's home in Brasilia, done by the late American journalist Bob Pratt. There are six original audio files of this interview in English (kindly provided by Bob Pratt to Denise Uchoa Slater in 2005):


"The Cure of Bernadete performed by EXTRATERRESTRIAL BEINGS, at the request of GENERAL ALFREDO M. UCHOA"

Lecture held at the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) in Los Angeles, USA, in 2010. Presented by Denise Uchoa Slater, daughter of Paulo Uchôa, and Paulo Uchôa, son of General Alfredo M. Uchôa.

Click here to watch the video of this talk on YouTube

Click on the slide below to view the PDF PPT file of this lecture


INTERVIEWS ABOUT GENERAL ALFREDO M. UCHOA by Denise Uchoa Slater, daughter of Paulo Uchoa, granddaughter of General Alfredo M. Uchôa

Click on the arrows in the PDF below: -> arrow (back) and <- arrow (forward) to change pages and read the interview (Part 1 and further down, Part 2).

Click on the file to the side to read the interview (Part 2 of 2)

Click on the file to the side to read the interview

(Part 1 of 2)

Click on the arrows in the PDF below: -> arrow (back) and <- arrow (forward) to change pages and read the interview (Part 2).

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